Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A miracle.

I was just sitting here listening to music and braiding my hair, when all of a sudden, I get a gmail notification. Which means I have internet. In my room. I'm so happy. And I hope it lasts. here's posts from the last 2 days:


My little side note: This blog is pretty much going to be the only thing that’s daily(and in some cases more than daily). We have the chance to buy internet for our rooms, but I think I’m not going to. One, I would have to spend 60 something hours in an internet cafe to equal the price. Two, I do not want to be spending that much time of my trip on the internet. I spent a lot of my past trips missing people and things. I always regret that. I need to appreciate where I am and the moment. Yeah it would be great to have people here to tell all my stories or that know me, but that’s not the point of this. So I’m going to try something new. That’s part of me keeping this blog. I’m okay with this because I can do it from my room in down time. And it is for once going to give me something to remember my trip by. I love my photos, but thoughts are useful too. So that’s it, I just don’t want people getting mad and thinking I forgot about them. Don’t worry, I miss you all and wish you could be here too. And the thing is, I know after this trip, I’m going to miss plenty of things and people from here.


It’s weird, I am pretty good at grasping the time zones and the time change between where everyone is. But the fact that I am a day ahead, blows my mind still. It’s 8:30 Am here June 3rd, and still only 9:30 pm on the 2nd back on the east coast. This is going to make getting in contact with people very difficult. At least it is just messing with my mind and not really jet lag. I have been getting exhausted at nights, but that’s heat, doing a lot of stuff, and waking up ridiculously early. I’m having a wake up pattern here I think, I woke up at 6 the first day, then 7, now 8 today. Hopefully it doesn’t keep getting later. But I have an alarm now thanks to the cell phone, so I’m good.

I really can’t wait to explore the city more. Seeing malls is great, and yeah I get it is a huge part of the culture, but I want to see some Buddhas. Or something that will teach me. While getting school credit for going to the mall everyday would be great, it’s not really what I want. I know, just give it time. I’ve only been here 2 full days, and it feels like forever. Which I am really glad about, everyone told me I would be overwhelmed by the city and everything. Granted I haven’t seen much but its not too bad yet.

We have a “class” meeting in an hour, and I don’t really know what this is going to include. Yesterday’s was useless orientation stuff and lasted 4 hours. If I’m going to sit there for four hours again, I want it to be useful. Hopefully we can start exploring soon and going on all these class “excursions”.

Well I just wanted to write more. The past few entries have been written in the internet cafe so have been rushed and I forget things. I’m still debating if I want to get internet in the room or not. Only one girl has been able to connect, I’m hoping she can do it for me. Otherwise its internet cafes. Which isn’t terrible, it will mean me not wasting my life away on the computer. But times like right now, where I’m up before everyone else and don’t have time to go do anything(or the fact that nothing here opens before 10 am), would be good. And the internet cafe isn’t open now. Oh, life abroad.

I think I’m going to go read some of the tourism books Bill gave us yesterday, figure out where I want to go exploring if I get a chance this afternoon.


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