Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I love zoos.

Yesterday was fun. We were suppose to meet for our class between 9:30-10 in a restaurant down the street. I heard people in the hall about 9:10 getting ready to leave, even though I wasn’t planning on going until 10. So I headed down with them and we ended up waiting there until 10 for Bill, like I thought. We got breakfast though, and I actually got mine today. I think people in the group aren’t use to the fact of waiters not serving them directly, the food is placed on the table you take what is yours. I think that was the mix up that happened yesterday morning, but whatever, I can deal with it. So in the end we had no class, Bill lost his voice, so it was a free day, which was nice. First though we had to get the checks. I asked and about 15 minutes later still nothing. So Cari asked, and got her’s in about 2 minutes and was done. We had to wait another 20 minutes or so, then go up and get our checks. It was just a diasterous situation. People were freaking out about it taking so long and the service. Yeah, I get frustrated too, but I understand the situation. And getting angry helps nothing.

We weren’t sure if we needed to wait to visit temples and such, so we decided to go the zoo. Anna, Cari and I caught a taxi to the zoo, which was not a pink one, much to my dissapoint. The taxis here are rainbows of colors. It was the first thing I saw when we got out of the airport, and so far it is one of my favorite things. Traffic is just so colorful. I mean how can bright pink taxis not make you happy? You see those colors and need to smile. Back home that would be never allowed, I don’t think I have ever seen a pink car in the US.

Anyways, the zoo. It was really fun, I love zoos of all sorts. The animals here were in such sad exhbits. The poor elephants. There were 3 of them, chained to this little area that was pretty much as big as my room here. Trust me, that’s not enough space for 3 elephants. It was cool though, I got to see a lot of new animals. Some even looked prehistoric. There was one crazy large colorful bird who really looked like he belonged in jurassic park. After seeing all the animals we went to watch some Kenyan boys acrobatic show. We were the only foreigners in there. They kept watching us throughout the entire show. Slightly creepy, but it was kind of hilarious.

After the zoo we went to the mall on the corner by the apartment just to wander and for lunch. I saw this cool restuarant for dim sum, with pots on the table where you boil your own food. Well as cool as it looked, we were confused. No one in there spoke english. We were getting stared at the whole time by the staff, I think they were trying to see if we could figure out how to do it. We eventually ordered and got it taken care of. But after all of that, I didn’t get to cook my own food, it came all ready. Boo. It was an experience though. Everything here has been an experience, I just keep laughing at all these situations.

At night Anna and I went to go see Sex and the City. It was really good, I’m so sad that it is over. And none of the spoilers were true, which was good.

I got a call at 8 this morning saying we are meeting back at the restuarant at 10. Wonder if we will actually have class. We got our assignments yesterday, they don’t look to bad, just a bit challenging. This is where that whole not being an anthro major works against me. I still really don’t think it will be difficult, and if anything my minor will teach me something then.

Well I need to get off this computer. Now that I got internet this is all I have done for 3 hours this morning. eeek. And in all that time, I still can’t get my photos online, which sucks. I’ll figure it out though and then everyone can see my awesome zoo pictures.

Alright, I think I might just go head to “class”.


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