Sunday, June 29, 2008

I wish I had a soundtrack to my life.

I mean seriously, the songs just of this past month make me question things. Like hearing George Michael while riding a bus around Singapore. Or that bus trip and its soundtrack on the way to Hua Hin( We swear it was the top love songs of the 80s, followed by a Thai Cd which we quickly learned the words to). Then coming back from the airport today it was oldies, mainly Elvis. And the L, is for the way you look.... song.

Anyways, I went to Singapore for the weekend. Well just 24 hours. And that was enough. I didn't know what to do with myself there. I got there and was quickly overwhelmed. First I couldn't find the hostel, then I couldn't stay at the hostel since they were cleaning, so I chose a random place in my book to go, and left my book at the hostel. So yeah, after spending 30 mins finding the metro, I got to my stop, and realized I didn't know what I was looking for. It was about this point that I realized I was in a country all by myself. I've gone places by myself, like going to Krabi. But my cell phone didn't work in Singapore, and I knew no one. Yeah people knew I was there, but its a big place. No one knew my hostel, flight times, anything. I started to freak, but then realized it was okay. And that somewhere in these past 3 years, I really have gotten courage. All this traveling by myself, going off to half way around the world. I never imagined this would be my life.

Eventually after my freak out I had a delicious lunch in one of the many malls. And I used chopsticks, which I really need to work on. I have to say though, as much as I didn't really enjoy Singapore, the food there was delicious. For dinner I had turkish food, so falafel and this bread/spinach/cheese thing. I was in heaven. I miss having good food. I really think after this summer I will never want to see rice or noodles again. Or at least for a few weeks.

My trip to singapore was spent the majority on a bus. Like those big red opentop city tour buses everywhere else in the world. The bus just came along and I had no idea where I was, so I jumped on. It seemed like a good idea. I really got to see the majority of the city and it was cool. And there was no more getting lost or mass transit issues. So I was happy.

My one goal in going to Singapore was that I had wanted to go on the night safari. Well it was full at my hostel. And by the time I paid for this bus tour, I didn't want to spend another 40 bucks to go the zoo. So I did one of the night tours through the bus company. We went to go see the biggest show in Singapore. OH wow. Basically, it was a bunch of kids lipsyncing and being overdramatic, like seriously over dramatic with the hands and such. It felt like the Indiana Jones show at Disney world, mixed with a fountain show, and then 10 times worst. All the Asians were clapping and taking pictures, I was not that impressed. It was hilarious though in some way. And I guess it was better than spending the night in the hostel, where I found it impossible to sleep.

Anyways, tonight is my last night in VP tower. I'm actually sort of sad. It's weird with everyone being gone, I don't know what to do. So I did laundry and now am waiting to pack. I hate packing. But it is nessecary. I hate to say it, but I might have changed my mind, I think I might just miss this city. All yesterday I just wanted to go home, home as in VP tower.


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