Monday, June 9, 2008

I could become a marine biologist

I'll be honest, I don't feel like writing this right now. But it has been 2 days and I know I should. That and the other two options are, report writing, or sleep. Sleep always is a good idea but I need to stop going to bed so early.

Yesterday(Sunday) I woke up feeling pretty crappy, not physically, just emotionally. I decided the best thing for me to do was just go out on my own, find my own excitement. I don't need anyone else in the group for that. So I got up, and had this whole plan to go to the aquarium and the Jim Thompson house. Well as I was in the skytrain, I realized I didn't have my camera so I just decided on the aquarium and then the mall. The aquarium is the bottom two levels of Siam Paragon, the biggest mall of Southeast asia. And guess what? The aquarium is also the biggest in all of southeast Asia. I really loved the aquarium. My main reason for going was the penguins, but the penguins actually weren't my favorite part. The coolest thing had to be the giant sea turtles. I've never seen an adult sea turtle, so it was pretty awesome. The whole aquarium was filled with things I've never seen, mostly cause many of the fish and such were from around Asia. I stared at each tank for at least a few minutes, just in awe. It was really good because it definitely cheered me up, and I got to spend good time to myself.

As I was finishing up at the aquarium, Shayna called me and asked if I was going to the market. I had wanted to go again, so I grabbed a quick bite at Au Bon Pan(Can I tell you how amazing it was to have a croissant? Thais don't believe in bread) and then went back to meet up with her and Bridget for the market. I did really well in the market on the second go round, I only bought stuff at one store, some sweet silk pillow cases with elephant. My apartment next year is going to be so elephanted out. The limited buying was not to say for lack of trying. A lot of stuff the girls were looking at was clothes, and let's just say, Thai sizing isn't the same as American. So that was out. And the market has a ton of camo and army such stuff. I saw a really awesome shirt in Thai I wanted to get, but they didn't have the sizing and all of that. I don't think it helped that when I stepped up to point, the board under me sent the lady's stuff flying. She got a little upset. But yeah the market was good. We saw squirrels with hats on them. And rare parakeets that were too young to be sold, but I'm ignoring that. I will defiantly try and go back again if I have the time on a weekend.

So after all of that I went to bed early last night, only to wake up to a text at midnight telling me we have class at 9am. So I get up this morning, have a migraine, and don't want to go. But I do, because class here isn't that often so I should. Everyone is there at 9, minus Bill. It's not until at least 9:30 that he rolls up. I swear, I'm not being on time for things anymore. I hate waiting. After all of that, this was one of the longest classes once again, we were there at least 3 hours. And there was no new information. Class ended at least twice, but then he had "oh one more thing" that took another 30 minutes. I guess we have to have class though, and I can't complain since its in a restaurant.

After "class" I had wanted to go the Jim Thompson house, but with my camera today. Jim Thompson is this American who came to Thailand after WWII and re-established the silk industry, and built an amazing teak house. Then he wandered off on some path one day and disappeared. It's an interesting story. But his house. I could so live there. His collection includes a lot of rare Thai and Burma artwork, including ancient Buddhas. It was really neat.

As we went to leave the house, it started down pouring. And I mean down pouring. Cari and I decided to use this time to grab lunch. The restaurant there was surprisingly not that expensive, and is some of the best food I had in Thailand. It was good to eat in a nice restaurant and just take a break. And this whole good meal wasn't even 10 bucks. I love the bhat to dollar exchange rate. It still hadn't finished raining by the time we ate lunch, so we just walked in the rain to MBK, which is this crazy mall. You can bargain for anything in there, and there are vendors set up in the middle. It's market meet mall. It worked out though, I got some sweet yellow jelly shoes for 9 bucks. I've really been wanting yellow shoes. I would have bought a ton more, but then lady just looked at my feet and shook her head no. Oh well.

All of those adventures were pretty exhausting, which explains me being worn out now. After all of this we came back for awhile, then went to the park down the road to watch aerobics. I really liked the park, and want to go spend more time there. After that, our search for dinner didn't go so well, and we ended up in the mall eating pizza. But pizza is good. And is such a comfort food.

As for now, I'm being lazy. And really don't want to do all these assignments. Our due dates aren't so strict, at least that is what is said, so I might bail on them tonight. Afterall, I'm not planning on going to class tomorrow since it was never officially announced, and I'm not up for any more midnight text messages.


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