Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm waiting for the better than before.


I need to start taking advantage of being in the city, but I just don’t know what to do with myself. Today was just another lazy day. Last night after getting back from the temples, I went to the pool napped, and then just read until I fell asleep. I got a call around 10 to go out, but I just was not up to it. Then this morning I woke up at 6, finished my first assignment, and lounged around. The book I got before I left, the Rosetti Letter, is amazing. I can’t put it down. Which is great for a book I just randomly picked up thinking it would be mediocre and just pass time. It’s a pleasant surprise. So today has been another day of reading that. Cari and I went out around noon to get foot massages. Oh wow. For less than 10 bucks, I had a very pleasant hour. I will be returning. After that we grabbed lunch in the other mall nearby and then I have been back here again all afternoon. Hopefully something will be going on tonight. I’m currently contemplating dinner.

In other news, this trip isn’t off to such a great start anymore. One girl found out some bad news about a friend from home the other day. Now another is in the hospital with food poisioning/dehydration. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for now. I don’t need another repeat of last summer.


I'm beginning to think my impulse decisions may not always be that successful. I don't even know why I am in Thailand right now, or why the heck I am going to China after this. I'm not an anthropologist. It was just a trip to take. All I ever seem to be doing is moving and leaving places, and well it's not as good of a solution as originally planned. I don't know, I guess I'm just having a rough few days here. I haven't really been doing much in the city. The thing is I just don't know what to do. And I never really see people from our group, and it would be nice to have someone to go places with. The group is a bunch of good people, but they just aren't my type of crowd. I can't really feel any connection with these people. It's just that after Italy and meeting such great people, it's a bit like well..... I'll get over it though. I need to make the best of this month, rather than contemplating flights home. This is what I do, I get miserable and then get over it. I'm waiting for the get over it part. It would help to talk to people, but my parents are out of contact and so is everyone else it seems. Hopefully within the next few days I can talk to someone from home, that would be really nice. Ugh, I said I wouldn't miss people while I'm here, and what am I doing? It needs to stop.

Okay, another subject. This morning we went to the market. I got up at 6 to get ready and go because I was told some people were going at 7(well not told, actually I had to ask if people were going). I was all ready at 7, and turns out they all went out last night and now wanted to go later. One girl did get up and go with me though, but she didn't bring money and was tired, so it wasn't as much fun. I did get some shopping in, I could have done a lot more though. The market was huge, we didn't see a fraction of it. Part of it is all pet stores, there were so many adorable puppies and kittens and bunnies. I wanted to pet them all, but the vendors kept yelling at us. I'm just a sucker for animals. We couldn't find the rare animals though, supposedly they are suppose to sell gibbons and such somewhere at the market. It has everything. One notable section was the whole part of camo. Thais seem to really like US Army stuff. It was interesting.

So yeah, we were at the market for less than 2 hours. Now I've been back here reading and don't know what to do with myself. I was thinking of going to the aquarium but I don't know. I need to find something to do though, or else I will just keep being miserable.


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