Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm getting course credit for this?


For starters, this whole class thing is pretty hilarious. Class is really just getting breakfast at a restaurant. And maybe minor discussion of assignments. Today we get there just for him to tell us there is a new schedule, and that we really aren't doing anything as a group. This is seriously a month to spend in Bangkok, no organization. I can't really complain though. It's a lot of independence which I like. And it give me time to get away and be on my own, which I think I might be needing a lot. The group is great, I just feel I'm in such a different mindset and place in my life than any of them. Who knows. I still don't really know them, so I shouldn't be judging.


Well yesterday was kind of a wash. I went to class, came back took a nap and then went out for an hour to do this mapping assignment. I came back and hung around here, watched Greek which I downloaded off of itunes. Around 4 some people were going to Chinatown so I went along. We really didn't know what we were doing, so we just wandered. There were lots of store fronts that I could have bought a ton of stuff in. But I resisted. We all got pretty tired quickly and then came back. People were ordering Pizza Hut so I joined in on that, after realizing I hadn't eaten all day. So we played Uno and pizza. Which wasn't the greatest, but it was Pizza and was comforting. After that, I went to bed around 9:30. I just really needed a day to rest and catch up on sleep. Everyone here has taken a day so far it seems, and yesterday was mine. I figure it was okay to take one day, then I won't need to keep taking naps or such.

This morning I got up and had "class" at 9. Only 4 of us were there. Bill showed up around 9:20. 4 more people came at 10. Class here is interesting. We didn't really discuss much, it is just a chance to get breakfast and give business to Bill's friend it seems. I don't really mind. Today all we talked about was some Thai words, and how we are all going to get A's here. So a good class in my opinion.

I really wanted to go to a temple today, so Cari and I decided to go visit the Emerald Buddha. What an adventure. We get dropped off from the Taxi and both were in awe. There were tour buses, street vendors, souvenir shops, and of course a gigantic temple. We try to go in the temple where we were dropped off and the guy starts telling me how we can't get in, something about my shoes and pants. So he says the ticket gate is down the road. We go down the road, the guy at the next gate says the temple is closed to foreigners until 2, but the gate is around the corner. So we keep going. This last gate we meet a man who explains we can't get in until 2, its lunch and time for Thais to pray. He shows us on the map what we can go see meanwhile, and of course a tuk-tuk who can take us there. It was hot, I said we should go for it. So we climb in the tuk-tuk(a 3 wheel little cart, its interesting) and head off to see the "lucky buddha".

The "lucky buddha" is down this side road next to a school, with no one there except a few Thais. This was when I started to question things. We go back to the tuk-tuk, the guy says he is taking us to some factory, he gets a gas coupon so we say yes. It's a silk shop that makes tailored suits. One minute in there and we were back out. Our tuk-tuk driver than asks for the map and says on the way to the next temple he knows another shop that gives him coupons. I made him take us to the temple first, figuring maybe we could ditch him. This temple, the marble temple, was actually a real tourist temple. It was nice. Cari and I thought we were suppose to be seeing a marble Buddha, so were a bit confused that it was just a marble temple. After this we went back to our tuk-tuk and he took us to the shop. Another tailoring place, but this one filled with tourists. Sweet, everyone got conned. The people in that store would not leave us alone, they followed us everywhere we went looking around, and finally the lady yells "OKAY, THANK YOU!". I guess that was our sign to leave, and we took it. Once back in the tuk-tuk, the driver asked for our map again and starts to point out more shops. Nope nope nope. We hopped out, there was a taxi right there. I was tired of this whole scam thing. So we caught a taxi and headed back to the Emerald Buddha.

Of course we headed to the last gate we were at, but no, wrong again. So back to the very first gate where we are dropped off, and finally we were allowed in. I got yelled at for my pants(which I had changed into so I would be appropriate) and had to rent a wrap around skirt, which was itchy as can be. After all of that though, we were in. I'm still in awe, that temple was awesome. It was so glitterey. And the warrior statues, I want them. I took millions of pictures there, you know me when I get camera happy. The temple was in the same complex as the Grand Palace. It was ornate as well, but the temple definitely beat it out.

After all of these temple adventures, we went shopping along the little roads. I bought a few things, but am saving out for the giant market this weekend. We then came back and got lunch at Seasoning. It's my favorite place here so far. I got a delicious smoothie(yes, Thailand has smoothies) and a chicken burger. I still building up my adventure skills for the Thai food. Anyways, after that I came back and hit the pool and have been hanging around the room since. I think people might be going out tonight, not sure if I will join or not. I feel like I should, but I haven't talked to people all day and am still pretty exhausted. We'll see, I have about 2 hours before they would even head out.

Well that's been todays adventures. We have no class until Monday so not sure what to do tomorrow, maybe more temples? I don't want to get worn out on them though. I will say, temples are more interesting than cathedrals. Ugh, I have to do our first assignment still, its due tomorrow. I started it, but school work is just not on my mind right now. Maybe tomorrow morning early, for now I rather write this blog and work on photos.


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