Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's been insanity.

Ooops, I've been a slacker. Well not a slacker exactly, just really busy. Which I knew as soon as that happened this blog would be done, and well, look what happened.

I don't even know when I last wrote. So here's quick overview, Friday went to some museums, then out. Saturday got up early and took a day trip to Kanchaburi to see the bridge over river Kwai and the tiger temple. Tiger temple was sweet. I loved it. Came back, had one of the craziest taxi rides(getting kicked out of a taxi and listening to sound of the music. it was unbelivable). Then to bed to wake up again early Sunday to head to Hua Hin for the beach. Monday, tried to go to a national park but got frustrated, and spent the day beach side instead. I love the beach. Especially when you can get a chair and umbrella with beach side drink service for all of $3. Then today got up early again(does anyone else see a trend?) to go to a monkey temple. The monkey ended up on my head, and the other tried to pull down my skirt. This was after we finally got there, with some off path trekking. Then it was a long long bus ride back to Bangkok.

Now I'm playing catch up(or am pretending to) before going to bed to get up for 7 tomorrow to head to Aytthaya(the old Thai capital).
Sorry I have no effort for this. The past few days have had so many stories, but to type it all up would take hours. And I just don't have hours right now.

Miss everyone.


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