Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why do I keep doing this?

And I survived my first week of life in rural China. There has been lots of complaining, but it reality, it has not been that bad. There have been moments, but there always are. It's so funny, everytime I have done something like this, giving up my luxuries to go live in the middle of nowhere, I am always pleasently surprised by the living situations. In Belize it was my bed and breakfast hut that I adored, and then Guatemala with our brand new house. Now here, I have a shower, kind of, the house is 2 stories, and the family is so sweet. Of course there's not AC or internet, but I am managing. We bought fans to survive the heat, it seems almost worst than Thailand. At least in Thailand we had AC to escape to, but fans are cutting it for now. That isn't to say I haven't felt sweaty and gross since the second I got here, but I guess that is to be expected.
Teaching is going well. The kids are much easier to deal with than expected. I have the youngest class, 1-3 grade. I wanted them though. Until I realized have kids that speak no english and a teacher who speaks no chinese is not the best combonation. I am completley reliant on my teaching partner in the classes. Too bad we don't get along so well. The situation is improving I hope, after I almost yelled at her in the middle of class.
The hardest thing here has been the partners. They are just so concerned and worried for us being uncomfortable that they almost take it a step too far. I feel like I am 5. They always have to take us places, then tell us what to do, when to do things, how to do things. I think I scare the hell out of them because I got sick the first day and keeping sitting in "dirt". they don't realize I will never be completely clean or healthy in this situation, it just comes with the territory.

Well we are in the "city" for the day to get internet and some ac. i was hoping for western food as well, but that doesn't look like it will happen. The definition of city is not as I would have expected. This is about to cut out any second so I will end. I doubt I will blog again before this is over, internet is just so rare.


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