Saturday, May 31, 2008

In Asia.

This is all be starting from the Hong Kong airport. I thought I would be rushing through here, but turns out there was limited security since it is just a transfer. So I got to eat food. I had to walk a mile but I found a bunch of restaurants. Of course restaurants being Burger King and Popeye's. I settled for popeye's and fried chicken, figuring I might not be having that in awhile. And during my adventures I saw the sign for free wireless, so I hurried up and settled down. Now I've got all my writings posted from the plane rides, and emails and such sent out. It's nice. I was upset when I got online though and realized no one was on. Then I realized its about 3am there on a Friday night/Saturday morning. So guess I can't be too upset. Well now for some more internet surfing, and then its off to Bangkok!

The beginning...


And the adventure begins. Adventure included 3 hours of sleep last night and waking up at 3 AM feeling like I would puke. But all is good now, or so far at least. I am currently sitting at this laptop bar in the terminal, overlooking where the planes take off. I’m in the British Airways terminal, so lots of accents. Currently next to me are two women discussing pennies. I love British accents, have I ever mentioned that. And that started way before Wien and Wombats. I mean earlier there were two guys in the duty free arguing over how many reese’s to buy. I feel in love right than and there. One, the accents. Two, they appreciate peanut butter, and even further reese’s. That’s might type of Brits.

Anyways, as I said this adventure has only just begun. Got up this morning, got ready, everything was mostly packed, and said goodbye to all the animals (They really are one of the things I miss most. Hopefully I won’t go adopting any new animals in Asia). Then my parents and I drove down to JFK. They have a flight to Aruba this morning that we planned, so I could for once save the thousand dollars by flying out of NYC. The ride down was uneventful, I spent most of it passed out in the backseat with my pillow. That was until Calvin couldn’t figure out where he was, and him and my mom starting bickering about counting down to exit 1 from exit 11. I will miss my parents and their ridiculousness. But a break will do me good. After that last month at home, well let’s say I have had enough to last me well into the rest of the summer.

I must say I really am dissapointed in JFK. Yes, it is a huge airport, but all seperate buildings. You can’t go between terminals. Which sucks, because I was going to go wait with my parents, and then come over here. My flight isn’t for another 2 hours, and their’s is just leaving. I’ve already killed an hour here, getting breakfast, wandering, and then letter writing(to who else?). And now I have 2 more hours, followed by 20 something hours on a plane. I’m still doing my denial thing about this. I mean, that is almost a whole day on a plane. What will I do? All I have to say is there better be some good movies. And I will at least then most likley have 2 entries for this blog, or more.

I really am going to try and keep a blog/journal this trip. I always start trips with one(mostly while waiting in airports), and then I get all into my trip and busy, forgetting to update it. But i have the laptop this time, plus an actual journal. So some kind of side notes and comments will be recorded. If not, it will be through emails once again. But I think our professor is requiring one for the field school, so that may assist in this venture.

Well I am off to wander this airport some more. I need to find a good magazine. And check out the duty free again. I think I missed the cigarette section. Not that I need a carton, but I enjoy looking and contemplating. I already bought 2 packs of no. 9’s yesterday in Unionville. That was an event. Please explain to me how I needed to show ID for buying caffeine pills in Walmart, but in the Unionville 7-11 all I get asked is “are you of age?”. No Mr., I am breaking the law and will admit so to your face. Oh America, I will miss you. And note, the cigarettes really aren’t for me, unless I get stressed. I couldn’t think of anything to bring my host family and others I need gifts for, so I am bringing one of my American favorites, No. 9’s. I mean from what I heard, everyone in China smokes. Which just could lead to a summer full of my vices.

Off goes the adventure! Well adventure for now being wandering this tiny terminal for the tenth time.

30-5-08, part 2

And I am on the plane. And have been for just over 10 hours now. It’s actually not going that bad. I thought the plane ride was going to be close to 20 hours, but turns out this part is only 15 (Only, haha). Then I go to Hong Kong, spend 2 hours going through customs, and hop on another 2 hour flight to Bangkok. Then I can only imagine how long it will take to get throught there, get to the actual city and to our rooms. I don’t even know what I will do when I get there tonight(because even though its something like 9pm EST, its 9 AM Asia time).

But yeah, the plane ride. I’ve taken a few naps, read my magazine, watched 3 movies, and have eaten 3 different times. The food is alright. Some sort of brunch with what they called chicken, then a few hours later cup o’ noddles, and then later lunch, which was some weird pasta. I liked how we had silverware for brunch and lunch, but the noodles came with chopsticks. I really wanted to ask for a spoon, but resisted. I have to learn sometime right? Noodles weren’t that hard, it just involved a lot of slurping. But I could hear other people around me doing the same, so I felt alright.

I think the one thing keeping me alive on this flight is not only the fact they are really big seats and are nice, but they each have their own entertianment unit. You pick your movies, tv shows, music, games, or can even watch a camera of outside the plane (I would really like to explain this feature to the kid in front of me, who keeps opening his window shade and blinding me with light). The movies on the system are really good too. I’ve watched PS I love you(Which almost had me in tears, not a good idea when you are on a plane surrounded by people), Charlie Wilson’s War(interesting but glad I didn’t go the theatre for that) and then National Treasure 2(I was trying not to gasp. I really liked that movie, I’m glad the first onew was on TV, its not something I would have seen on my own).

I was just trying to take a nap now(I keep yawning even as writing this), but just have a lot on my mind. I really hope I have a good time this summer. Me and these adventures, I don’t know how I find them. But it’s going to be testing myself once again, which is good. I mean I was just thinking about how last summer I was afraid of flying alone internationally to Peru. I got over that in a hurry, especially given the whole going to Italy thing. And now here I am on some ridiculously long plane ride to Asia. The map thing said Hong Kong is some 8600 miles away from NYC. I need to look up the circumfrence of the Earth, because I’m pretty sure I am literally half way around the world. Or will be, once I am off these planes.

Enough for now, I think I need to find another movie or try and nap again. Just under 5 hours to go. And I haven’t even touched that 300 page History of Thailand book yet, ooooops.